

Hello All,

I would first like to start by welcoming you to my biking blog that is about biking tips and bike reviews. Biking is one of my favorite hobbies. I am particulary into mountain biking right now but I have practiced trick biking as well. Unfortunately, after a couple years of practiced I realized that trick biking is not for everyone – especially me…

While I am no expert in any fields of biking by any means, I am still pretty decent. I hope I can provide you some good biking news, articles, and tips. I am also partially focusing on bike reviews – the top selling brands, the best value brands, best BMX brands, etc. I have done a lot of research into which bikes are the best for certain things so hopefully my knowledge will be useful for you.

Anyway, please check back often as I plan to update this blog permanently and leave a comment if possible.

Thanks for Reading!